Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Where else?

I've tried other blogs, but I'm bored of them.

Xanga? I've had it. It's less than a blog-- I am so over you. And more grown up now, to boot. I'm ready to refocus my energies and construct a blog which is actually meaningful to me.

What would make this meaningful?

My big conquests:
  • Teaching
    I am, by nature, a teacher. As much as I wanted to back away from this profession, I really had no choice-- it's second nature to me. I hope to bring more of life's everyday middle school adventures to my blog.
  • Running
    My first marathon is fast approaching!
  • Writing
    This is my battle-- my love, my burden, my frustration. The subject I am discovering as I teach and a skill I'm honing through my profession.
  • Cooking
    A true joy. I'm cautiously exploring the world of cooking and discovering a lot to love in the preparation of food-- and the enjoyment in consuming it! Which, all the aforementioned leads to...
  • Eating!
    Life sustaining and the product of my happiness.
Ah, the introductory post of a new blog. How refreshing.

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